Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Beau Introduces Himself and Bambi

Hello.  Permit me to introduce myself.  My name is Beau Brooks.  I also want to introduce my lovely and talented wife, Bambi.  We would like to meet you, electronically if not in person, and share some of our stories with you.  We intend to do that using our new blog.  

I just learned what a blog was a few months ago.  I find it fascinating that we can broadcast our ideas and stories just by typing.  I guess it's kind of like writing a letter.  Or maybe more like publishing an article in a newspaper.  I'm a little bit of a technophobe, but I really don't mean to be, and I am trying.  I know we have arrived in the 21st century.  But since I have lived most of my life in the 20th century I am still getting used to the idea of being in the 21st.  When I was a kid in the 1960s and 70s, the 21st century was a far-off mythical time when we would have flying cars and cures for cancer and world peace and flights to Mars.  Seems like the century arrived earlier than anyone thought it would.  At least earlier than I expected.  So where should I begin?

First of all, as I said, I am Beau.  James Beauregard Brooks.  I am one half of "Beau and Bambi." You might've heard about us.  But probably not.  We aren't really famous, but we have found ourselves in the spotlight a couple of times lately.  We are really pretty ordinary.  Well, I am.  Bambi, my wife, is not ordinary.  She is intelligent and beautiful and never met anyone she couldn't strike up a conversation with on the spur of the moment.  Even after ten years, I still don't know why she wants to hang around with me.  But she does, and I am happy about that.

Bambi and I got married a little more than ten years ago.  I was a teacher at the school where one of her kids was a student, and she was a parent volunteer.  We were both divorced, with kids.  I really don't want to go too far into all that, so let's just say that Bambi's first marriage was a train wreck and mine was even worse.  We were each happily single with no particular inclination ever to marry again.  But when we found each other, we knew we had something special.  We still do.  Some people get it right on the second try.

Bambi and I live in a nice older bungalow with a tidy green yard and some avacado trees on a hillside in Whittier, California.  The kids, two of mine and three of hers, are all grown now.  I have moved on, from public school teacher to college professor of history, but only part time because we like to travel around a lot.  Bambi has the background to become either a doctor (she was a pre-med student in college) or a lawyer (she worked for several years as a paralegal).  But she says both of those professions, while interesting, are too restricting and stressful.  So she is the director of her own "Little Angels" preschool here in Whittier.  She has always loved being involved with children.  She loves them when they're cute, and she loves them when they're demanding, and everythin in between.  It's her calling, really.

That's us in brief.  We're here, and now we're online.  Thanks for showing an interest.  Bambi and I will write again soon.

Beau Brooks

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